Vincent NGUYEN
Since 09/2021, I have been an associate professor at l’IUT / University of Orléans, France and a member of the research team CA (Constraints and Learning) of LIFO. I’m the Director of studies of the second year of bachelor’s degree.
My research interests cover several themes:
- Multimodal analysis.
- Weakly supervised learning
- Incremental learning.
02/2025: 1 article on efficient models accepted in the journal Pattern Analysis and Applications.
01/2025: 1 paper on semi-supervised learning accepted at VISAPP 2025.
11/2024: 1 paper on PU learning accepted at SAC 2025.
10/2024: 1 paper on Continual learning accepted at WACV 2024.
Research Grants:
- 2023-2026: grant CIFRE with IMPACT. (Co-PI)
- 2023-2026: APR Optimedias (Artificial intelligence for the benefit of precision medicine in neuropsychiatry and infectiology) funded by the Region Centre-Val-de-Loire, France.
- 2022-2025 : ANR ASTRID ROV-Chasseur on weakly supervised learning and efficient deep models for robotic vision. (Co-PI)
- 2022-2023 : ACHS: a scientific collaboration projet of the French Embassy in Vietnam on medical data analysis (PI)
- 2015-2016 : eDuc: a technology transfer project funded by the SATT Grand Center on lecture videos indexing (PI)
Research activities
- Sep 2023: Organizing a special session at CBMI2023: Cross-modal multimedia analysis and retrieval for well-being insights. Session Chair.
- Oct 2023: Organizing a special session at KSE2023: Multimodal Data and Multidisciplinary Applications
PhD students / Postdocs
- Etienne LEHEMBRE, postdoc of the project JUNON, 2024-2025.
- Rim Rahali, postdoc of the project ROV-Chasseur, 2023-2025.
- Jean-Daniel De-Ambrogi, “Efficient Deep Models for Indoor Reconstruction and Navigation on Mobile Devices”, co-supervisor with Aladine Chatouni
- Trung-Anh Dang, “Continual learning”, co-supervisor with Christel Vrain
- Yen Vu, “Semi- and self-supervised learning with clustering using knowledge. Application to mineral potential mapping”, co-supervisor with Christel Vrain and Bich Dao and Hugo Breillard - BRGM
- Huy Thong Bui, bourse France Excellence Eiffel, “Federated learning”, co-supervisor with Son VU
Professional and Community roles:
I am experienced in building real IT systems, especially in building AI products. I have experience as an entrepreneur (co-founder of the startup BrickIn’Up, France) and as an AI advisor for companies worldwide, including an insurtech AI Startup in Germany, two AI solutions companies in Vietnam.
- Industrial projects: click here
past announcements:
10/2023: 1 paper on non-English LLM accepted at EMNLP 2023. A collaboration work with researchers at the WASP Media & Language Arena and the DopikAI lab.
7/2023: 1 paper accepted at CBMI 2023.
01/2023: We have 3 PhD positions and 3 internship positions in Machine Learning. Please contact us for more information
10/2022: Our project APR Optimedias (Artificial intelligence for the benefit of precision medicine in neuropsychiatry and infectiology) is accepted by the Region Centre-Val-de-Loire, France.
05/2022: Our project ACHS (Detection of anomalies in the streaming of health data from smartphone sensors) is selected for the Scientific Cooperation program of the French Embassy in Vietnam.
03/2022: I am looking for 2 post-docs, in self/semi supervised learning and in efficient deep models, and 2 interns in Computer Vision and/or Machine Learning.
12/2021: Our project ROV-Chasseur is accepted (Project ANR Astrid 2021 on Robotic). This project focuses on the self- and semi-supervised learning approach and the design of efficient deep models based on the compression of deep neural networks.
09/2021: Since 09/2021 I started to work as associate professor at the University of Orléans.
05/2021: Two papers accepted at ICDAR2021, CORE rank A.
04/2021: Our team L3IRIS has won the Task 1, the flagship task of the ICDAR 2021 Competition on Historical Map Segmentation. We will release the prediction code with the pre-trained model of our method soon on here
03/2021: An article (in Vietnamese) on the power of social networks like Facebook appeared in the Opinion column of VnExpress (one of the most important media in Vietnam).
01/2021: The official website and Codalab site for our challenge EmoRecCom are now available.
12/2020: The official website and Codalab site for our challenge MC-OCR are now available.
11/2020: Our MC-OCR (Mobile-Captured Image Document Recognition for Vietnamese Receipts) challenge proposal is accepted at RIVF2021! (A collaboration work with researchers at the Umea university, Oracle Australian, Purchease company).
10/2020: 1 paper is accepted at MANPU@ICPR2021!
09/2020: Our EmoRecCom (Multimodal Emotion Recognition on Comics scenes) challenge proposal is accepted at ICDAR2021! (A collaboration with Deep Data Mining research group at the Umea university, Sweden)
06/2020: 1 article accepted at Neural Networks (Elsevier) , Q1 (IF 5.786)
04/2020: #Hack4Growth,. the international innovation competition, has completed its first phase. We also started an extension of #Hack4Growth - Covid Endgame As a response to the Covid-19 pandemic. This track is aimed at seeking solutions to problems caused by the pandemic.
03/2020: VILinks event is canceled due to the spread of coronavirus worldwide.
02/2020: 1 paper accepted at JCDL2020, CORE rank A*.
01/2020: Sending out invitations for speakers and sponsors for VILinks2020.
We are looking for high profile innovators to speak at VILinks, the international innovation summit in VIetnam on 06-08 August 2020.12/2019: Looking for 2 interns in Computer Vision and Machine Learning, 1 PhD student on comic book image analysis.
- 09/2019: 2 journal papers accepted at IJDAR (Q2). Conference trip to ICDAR2019 at Sydney, Australia.
04/2019: 4 papers accepted at ICDAR2019, CORE rank A. (1 oral, 1 poster and 2 workshops papers).
03/2019: Participation the Vietnam Global Leaders Forum at Paris, France
01/2019: Conference trip to Thellesolniaki, Grece (MMM2019).
11/2018: 1 oral paper accepted at the 14th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications VISSAP/VISIGRAPP. CORE rank B.
10/2018: 1 oral paper accepted at the MANPU workshop at the International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (2019). CORE rank C.
08/2018: Participation to the Vietnam Innovation Networks (Among 100 Vietnamese scientists and experts, invited by the Vietnam govenerment).
08/2018: 1 oral paper accepted at the International Conference on Asian Digital Libraries, CORE rank A.
05/2018: 1 oral paper accepted at the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), Core rank A*